Saturday 25 February 2012

The Big Potato

This is something that will appeal to the potato-loving Swedish readers, I am sure.

Robertson's claim to fame

Yes, it is a big potato. Australia doesn't have the Eiffel Tower, or Big Ben, or any of the other famous buildings or places that we can visit in Europe, so to make touristing a little bit more fun they have constructed different "big" things. In this case it's the big potato in Robertson, NSW. Usually there will be a gift shop and a coffee shop associated with it. Here is a link to some other "big" things you can visit. I have personally visited the big merino and a couple of others, but it is my goal to visit them all before I leave ☺.

Now over to something else. When I went to the beach the other day I saw lots of school kids in the water learning to surf. I spoke to a cool dude with dreadlocks who turned out to be their gym teacher. I asked him if it was compulsory to do surfing and he said that it wasn't but that everyone wanted to do it. I guess when you live in a place where beaches are everywhere and surfing is very cool you just have to learn how to do it. They do have to take a swim test and be able to swim 200 m in a wave pool. I do pity the poor nerd, who hates sports and wants to stay inside and read etc, it must be hard. Because you see it is not only surfing, you also "have" to play a team sport, be it Australian Rules football or soccer or cricket, or softball if you are a girl. It is a very sport oriented place.

To finish off for today, let me tell you about one of my pet peeves right now. It is an ad on the radio and I don't even remember what it is for but the punch line is "Happy Wife, Happy Life".  It just gets me so annoyed, it is so chauvinistic and condescending and macho. Where do they get off insinuating that if you just keep the little woman happy (by buying whatever product they are advertising) she will be grateful and your life will be happy (and you can get back to your worthy, manly chores)!

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