Thursday 7 May 2020

Another day in lock-down


NSW is now permitting two visitors per household so people are getting excited about Mothers Day this weekend. In some states they even allow more visitors per household but not in Victoria where they have had some new cases of Covid-19. However, we have decided to keep to a zoom meeting and not risk anything. We have had a zoom dinner with old friends in Melbourne which was fun and we have also had an "aperitif" meeting with the kids in Sydney and Africa and Sweden. That was amazing and I hope we can do it again soon.

Now that the restrictions might be lifting I am thinking of all the things I had planned to do with all the free time in lockdown. I was going to learn a new language, maybe Finnish. That hasn't happened. It's too hard. Have you ever tried it?

I was going to write more of my personal story that I started some time ago. I haven't done that either, I can't find it on the computer. In fact there is a list of things I had planned to do but haven't.

However there is one thing I have done and I think many with me. I have cut my fringe, twice. That was an absolute necessity since the hairdressers around here are closed.

I have also unpacked book boxes with books that I haven't seen for years and started re-reading some of them.Among them was a series of Finnish books translated into Swedish written by Kaari Utrio. They are all about historical events mainly set in the Middle ages and focusing on women's plight in those days. They are a little purple-passion-like but great for historical facts. Like my daughter said "history for dummies".

Hubby, on the other hand, has become a foodie and is spending a lot of time planning, shopping and cooking for us. Everyday is a feast far removed from our childhood memories of what eating was like.
I remember dinner being potatoes and fish balls and maybe frozen peas. These fish balls were sold in a can and you could have them with dill sauce or just white sauce or lobster-flavoured sauce. It was a very common and cheaper alternative to fish.

Hubby has fond memories of canned spagetti and meatballs warmed up and if they had leftovers it would be put in the sandwiches they brought to school. He still loves it, and I guess I could give it a go. What I can't have though is rabbit which they apparently had quite often. It was cheap and nourishing.

Cheerio for now. May we soon be rid of this pandemic. Sincere and heartfelt condolences to those who have lost a dear one to it.