My dear neighbour had also gotten worried about me, bless her, and called another ambulance but I was already gone to hospital with the first one. When they found the house empty and the car still there, they said that they should call in a dog team and go looking for me in the woods in case I had gotten confused and wondered off into the forest. My neighbour, however, said 'No, no, she would never do that, absolutely not.' So in the end they traced my whereabouts and found where I had been taken. I feel a little bit hurt that I am so well known for someone who would not go walking in the forest.
Laying there in the emergency ward was very interesting. There was an elderly gentleman, brought in by his wife, who defecated 3 kilos (the gentleman, not the wife) and then walked out whistling. He had been constipated for two weeks. There was also a very big family of new Swedes who came as support for one of the children. It was almost like a family party.
After 24 hours I was moved to a private room in a ward. I got a private room since they were worried about the fact that I had just arrived from abroad. I heard the word multi-resistant bacteria mentioned a few times. After a few days the boys arrived from France and two days later I was allowed to come home with continual antibiotics.
Now we are trying to deal with our other problems, ie Viasat not functioning in the middle of the football cup. The hot water is also not working, but the plumber is here right now so I hope he can fix it.
On the positive side, mum is very happy to have us here and yesterday we had a nice outing, fixing up my sister's grave and then having lunch by the sea.
Cheers dear friends, and better news next time, I hope!